
I will have no peace if I don’t do something to help!

- Rong


Rong, now 50 years old, started rescue work ten years ago. In the small rural town of Wuhan, Rong operates the only sanctuary. Working part time as a nurse, Rong cared for 160 dogs with the help of only one part time helper when WOA first met her.




Winter is the most challenging season for dog sanctuaries. Just like everywhere else, Crystal Spring Sanctuary faces more seasonal expenses: dogs eat 30% more kibble, need a winter jacket and blankets to fight the cold weather, and a heater to keep them warm and healthy. For a cash-strapped sanctuary like Crystal Spring, those expenses are overwhelming.

It truly takes so little to make our dogs happy and healthy:


What We’ve Accomplished


Provided funds to feed
160 dogs every day

Hired two full-time
sanctuary employees

Funded and assisted
in new sanctuary

Provided admin and
accounting support

Kept track of dog log and immunization schedule with software
