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 Thank you for your interest in raising awareness and funds for the dogs in WOA’s care.

The following are just a sampling of ideas for how can spread the word about WOA, along with some fundraising ideas and ways to provide financial assistance for the rescue and medical treatment of homeless dogs in China.


Ask your friends, coworkers, and family members to sponsor you doing an activity you love to raise funds for WOA. This could be anything from a run to a jump rope marathon to your effort to quit smoking!

Have a bake sale

Get cooking in the kitchen and sell your baked goods to raise funds for WOA. You might consider baking up some homemade dog treats and selling them to your dog-loving friends and neighbors.

Support a school event.

Is your child’s school hosting a parents’ night? Contact the PTO and ask if you can set up a table to sell crafts, handmade items, or donated goods to raise money for WOA and the school.

Make a donation box

If you know a dog-friendly business, talk to them about WOA and ask them to put out a donation box to collect money to help homeless dogs in China.

Donate your birthday

 This is a popular fundraising effort on social media. Simply set your goal and tell friends and family why you are asking for support for your cause. Share any personal stories or connections you have with your potential donors.

Have more great ideas for fundraising on behalf of WOA?